That’s an adequate question, of course.
The Sonnenkinderprojekt primarily arranges “school sponsorships”, i.e. the German godparents pay the school fees for the godchild to enable him/her to attend school. This money goes directly to the schools to pay for teachers and teaching materials and to enable the school to be maintained. It does not go to the parents or to any intermediate organisations. All employees of the Sonnenkinderprojekt work on a voluntary basis, only expense allowances are paid. The administrative costs include, for example, the fees for foreign bank transfers, postage and the operation of this Internet presentation. According to the definition of the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI), advertising and administrative expenses account for a low proportion, since they account for 10% of income. That’s it !
Beside the sponsorships, we also receive donations without a reference to a certain child. This money is used by the Sonnenkinderprojekt to support specific measures and projects. This includes e.g. the following:
- Acquisition of school uniforms, school equipment (books, exercise books etc.)
- Grants for school trips in order to prevent the exclusion of individual children.
- Grants for renovations / extensions at the schools
- Subsidies for technical equipment (printers, boards, etc.)
- Fun-Days to promote a sense of togetherness
This is an example of how donations are used:

2018 scope of aid:
Data 2018: 420 members (31.12.2018), number of children cared for 802 (31.12.2018)
2017 scope of aid: approx. 65.295,- €
422 members | 285 sponsorships
Admission of the Cusanus Gymnasium from St. Wendel / Saarland, as a partner school in the SKP. Completion and handover of the roof renovation at the Swakopmund Primary School in Swakopmund. Inauguration of the new kitchen building at the Khomas Primary School in Windhoek. Shipping of the donated goods from BBZ Diepholz in Bremerhaven with the “MS MERSK LAVRAS” to Walvish Bay, Namibia.
2016 scope of aid: approx. 113.917,- €
410 members | 277 sponsorships
Donation by Lions County Diepholz on the occasion of its 50th anniversary in the amount of 35,000 euros. 1 Visit of the climate scouts from the Namib High School in Swakopmund in Sulingen to the climate workshop.
2015 scope of aid: approx. 48.866,- €
389 members | 265 sponsorships
Application to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for financial participation in the renovation of the Swakopmund Primary School roof. TSV Schwaförden charity football match against the traditional team of SV Werder Bremen in Schwaförden. Participation in the International Climate Conference in Hanover.
2014 scope of aid: approx. 54.000,- €.
In January an inspection trip and participation in the air-conditioning workshop in Swakopmund took place.
In March, the primary school in Okatale was visited and the solar system installed there was commissioned. The association has 325 members and has accompanied 421 children since its foundation.
2013 scope of aid: approx. 50.000,- €
217 children are in the project. We are expanding with the M & K Gertze Highschool in Rehoboth, we are now working at 6 schools. In March we went with a travel group to the schools in Windhoek and Rehoboth. In autumn we started planning a solar plant at the Okatale Primary School in northern Namibia.
2012 scope of aid: approx. 61.000,- €
The year 2012 was marked by the expansion of the project in Swakopmund. The Swakopmund Primary School was included in the project.
2011 scope of aid: approx. 43.000,- €
Essentially, the targets for 2010 remained unchanged in 2011. The main focus was on the placement of further sponsorships.
2010 scope of aid: approx. 47.000,- €
The Sonnenkinderprojekt wants to expand and supports another school in Rehoboth. In addition, the construction of new classrooms at Augeikhas Primary School remains a major goal.
2009 scope of aid: approx. 34.000,- €
The Sun Children’s Project (SKP) is active in all locations, the Namib High School (NHS) received a book donation for English lessons, which was necessary for the school operations. At Augeikhas Primary School the SKP would like to support the construction of urgently needed classrooms.
2008 scope of aid: approx. 33.000,- €
180 children now benefit from the SKP, 130 children are placed in sponsorships. The sun children at Augeikhas Primary School receive their desired school uniforms, the children at Namib Primary School receive warm winter jackets. A four-figure sum was made available to all schools for the purchase of teaching materials and urgently needed school clothing.
2007 scope of aide: approx. 26.300,- €
91 children are cared for at the NPS and NHS. A SKP delegation checks the funds again on site. Extension of the SKP to Windhoek (Augeikhas Primary School) and Lüderitz (Christian School).
2006 scope of aid: approx. 19.300,- €
In the meantime, sponsors for 82 children have been arranged. A group of the Sonnenkinderverein visits Swakopmund again to convince themselves of the proper use of the donations. The first Namibian children visit their godparents in Germany, the SKP helps them.
2005 scope of aid: approx. 11.300,- €
The number of children rises to 57. The first children leave the NPS and go to Namib High School to complete their schooling thanks to the continued support of the German sponsors.
2004 scope of aid: approx. 7,500 €.
The first 36 children are placed with “godparents” in Germany, who pay the school fees and thus give the children a chance for the future.
Members of the association visit the NPS to convince themselves of the work on site.
In December, a donation of 50 T-shirts from Werder Bremen (on the occasion of winning the championship) reaches the school in Swakopmund and is received enthusiastically. The first school uniforms are financed.
A German travel group led by Arthur Rohlfing visits the Namib Primary School (NPS) in Swakopmund and recognises the neediness of the school and its children. Many parents cannot afford the school fees for the children. 30-40% unemployment and an average monthly income of 120,- € make it a luxury for many parents to attend school.
The Sonnenkinderprojekt is founded in Germany. The tasks and activities are organized, contacts to the school and contact persons are established.