Solar Systems

On behalf of the Sonnenkinderprojekt a total of 27 solar systems could be handed over to families in need in Rehoboth. 

Another project of the Sonnenkinderprojekt could be successfully completed in the beginning of last September. In the preceding weeks we had initiated an enquiry at the schools regarding the demand of solar systems in the Sonnenkinder-families. In Rehoboth 27 families were identified who lived in houses without any power supply. Upon positive confirmation of the financing, the Pico Solar Home systems from “Fosera”, each including two lights and a radio, could be handed over on the premises of the Solar Age Namibia company in Windhoek

On this occasion Tracy van Wyk represented the Sonnenkinderprojekt and accepted the systems on behalf of the Sonnenkinder-families. Following the installation of a PV plant on the roof of the Okatalae Combined School this was already the second project in favour of people in need together with Solar Age Namibia. The solar systems provide the families with power for some light in their houses as well as a radio which brings them a lot closer to the “rest of the world”. Conrad Roedern, head of Solar Age Namibia, insisted on personally advising the Sonnenkinder on the use of the solar systems, see enclosed snapshots.