Successful renovation of the library and purchase of new desks at Coastal High School in Swakopmund by the Sonnenkinder project

The renovation of the library and the purchase of new desks at Coastal High School in Swakopmund have been successfully completed. This project was made possible by the support of the Sonnenkinderprojekt and marks an important milestone in our efforts to improve the educational opportunities for pupils at Coastal High School.

Renovation of the library

The library at Coastal High School had long been in a state that severely limited its function as a place of learning and knowledge transfer. Thanks to our initiative, the library was completely renovated. The work included, among other things

Replacing the old and damaged furniture with new furnishings that provide students with a pleasant learning atmosphere.

Lighting and electrics: installing a new lighting system and improving the electrical infrastructure to make the space brighter and more functional.

Flooring and walls: Replacing the flooring and repainting the walls to create a welcoming and inspiring environment.

Purchase of new tables

In addition to the renovation of the library, new tables were also purchased for the library. These new tables are functional and durable.

Impact on the school community

The completion of this project has already had a positive impact on the students and teaching staff at Coastal High School. The improved learning environment motivates students and helps them realise their full potential. The new desks provide comfortable workstations that increase efficiency and learning success.

Thanks, and outlook

We would like to thank everyone involved, especially the donors. Without your help, the realisation of this project would not have been possible.

We are looking forward to future projects. Together we can continue to bring about positive change.