According to the World Food Program, more than 35% of Namibia’s population is considered undernourished

Namibia is facing a silent crisis that affects the daily lives of many people – hunger. Despite economic progress and a comparatively stable political situation, a considerable proportion of the population suffers from malnutrition. The main causes of this are persistent periods of drought and structural poverty.

A central element of the work of the Sonnenkinderprojekt is the regular food donations, which are made possible thanks to the generous support of donors and partners. These donations focus on providing essential food to the neediest families.

In the months of May/June, the Sonnenkinderprojekt was able to help numerous households improve their nutritional situation by distributing basic foodstuffs such as maize flour, beans, rice and cooking oil, as well as providing vitamin-rich supplements.

The Sonnenkinderprojekt would like to thank all supporters and donors whose generosity makes this help possible. These donations make a significant difference to the lives of many people at our partner schools in Namibia.

For more information and ways in which you can help, please contact us.

The photos show the food distribution at the Swakopmund Primary School in Swakopmund as an example for all SKP partner schools.

Rector Springbok receiving the food donation