Another Food Counter at Coastal High School by using the Donation Container of the Sonnenkinderprojekt

It turned out that the previous food bank at Coastal High School in Swakopmund, Namibia, was not sufficient to meet the needs of all students. In response, the students independently redesigned the donation container of the Sonnenkinderprojekt and now use it as an additional food counter. This creative solution has not only improved the food supply, but has also shown how committed and resourceful our student body is.

The donation container was sent on its journey to Namibia in autumn 2020 with donations from the Diepholz Vocational Training Center (BBZ) and 44 donated bicycles from the Rotary Club Stemwede-Dümmer.

The chairman of the Sonnenkinderprojekt, Arthur Rohlfing, was amazed when he was presented with the creative solution. Proof once again that helping people to help themselves still works best.