It has become a tradition that students of the “Drei-Freunde-Grundschule” Scholen-Sudwalde do small activities during the autumn vacation in order to support the school attendance of their sponsored child Leonie Rheens with the earned money.
Ella (class 2b in Sudwalde) and Lene Köppen had a special idea when they set up a small sales booth on Dorfstraße in Schwaförden. They were supported by Janosch (2 years). On offer were muffins, cookies, apples, pears, coffee and tea. The booth was very popular, so it was no wonder that almost all the goods offered were sold within two hours.

In November, the “Drei-Freunde-Grundschule” Scholen-Sudwalde plans to hand over the donation money to the chairman of the Sonnenkinderprojekt Arthur Rohlfing.