As a further emergency aid, the Sonnenkinderprojekt has distributed food for the daily needs of their protégés at Namib High School. Due to the curfew, the need has become very

Sonnenkinderprojekt Namibia e. V.
Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe und Schulpatenschaften in Namibia
As a further emergency aid, the Sonnenkinderprojekt has distributed food for the daily needs of their protégés at Namib High School. Due to the curfew, the need has become very
Namibia still has a curfew. For the teachers, school started again on April 20th. However, they have to arrange lessons from home. The teachers have to compile teaching material for
At Khomas Primary School we invested 19,048 Euros for the installation of a computer room. The computer room will be inaugurated on 15 January 2020 after the summer holidays.
In close cooperation with the Sonnenkinderprojekt, the VNB (weltwärts) offers young people the opportunity to go to Namibia for one year to volunteer at our partner schools. The Verein Niedersächsischer
A Namibian proverb says, “Trees can’t meet, but humans can.” So the ClimateScouts from Sulingen High School travelled to Namibia for a climate workshop at the Namib High School in
September 1st through 11th, 5 students and 3 teachers from the Sulinger Gymnasium were in Namibia to meet the ClimateScouts and other students and teachers of the Namib High School
For the third time after 2015 and 2017, Climate Scouts from Gymnasium Sulingen travel to Swakopmund/ Namibia for a climate workshop. Although at first glance Swakopmund is reminiscent of a
Thanks to a generous donation from the Cusanus Gymnasium St. Wendel (Saarland), it was possible to install a much needed car lift in the training workshop for car mechanics at
The classes 5c and 6c of the Gymnasium Sulingen have officially handed over the donation cheque of 505,11 € to Arthur Rohlfing, chairman of the Sonnenkinderprojekt. On the open day
We, the Sonnenkinder learners at Gammams Primary School would like to express our heartfelt gratitude towards our donors. It has been almost five years since establishment of this project that